Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Life is beautiful, but its complicated...

Its summer. Its the first time in about 4 years that I've had more than a few weeks off of school, and I find myself constantly searching for something to do. I've been spending a lot of time with friends, but I've also spent way too much time watching tv, shopping, and facebooking. I've decided I need a hobby, so this seemed like a pretty good one. I had a blog a while ago, but I can't even remember my log in and I only posted in it twice, so I'm starting fresh, like many other things in my life. I am recently single (which is a whole blog post in itself- for another day) and more than anything, I have days that I need to get whatever's going on in my head out of it.

But I figured I'd explain a little about myself, and the reason behind my blog name.

  • I'm addicted to song lyrics and music. I plan to have every post title be a lyric from a song, whether it be something that relates to my mood, or just whatever song I have stuck in my head.
  • In my blog name the word "Live" is in quotations, because that's the word I have tattooed on my back as a daily reminder that life is shortand to live for today. I got it my freshman year of college (with my parents approval) after going through a series of events that pushed me and tested me more than I ever thought I would experience at that age. I've always been an optimistic person, but i often need the daily reminder, so I love looking in the mirror and having that reminder there for the rest of my life.
  • My mind often gets ahead of my hands while typing so I leave out words or type the completely wrong words, often. Deal. You can prob figure out what I'm trying to say.

There are many more details to life that I'll get into at a later time :)

"Life is beautiful. But it's complicated. We barely make it.
We don't need to understand. There are miracles"
-Vega 4

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