Friday, January 29, 2010

If my house was in need of an intervention, it would be....

So my roomies are probably going to kill me for this, but all three of us have major addictions that we need to get under control...

Roomie #1 - Diet Sunkist. She drinks Diet Sunkist everyday, and by drink, I mean anywhere from 3-8 cans a day. That's almost a pack a day. You are sure to find empty cans of Diet Sunkist around house, with the oddest place I've found one was in the shower. We have all agreed though that if she was drinking this same amount in alcohol, then we'd REALLY have a problem.

Roomie #2- Internet games. To be more specific, Farmville, Happy Aquarium, My Zoo, and I'm sure some others I'm not aware of. We'll be sitting at the table, doing "homework" and all of a sudden, I'll hear aquarium noises coming from her computer. Again, if she was putting this time towards something actually harmful, I might have to step in for a real intervention.

Roomie #3 (a.k.a. me)- Cheese. I will melt cheese on anything that will allow it. Pasta, nacho chips, chicken, fish, and I've even stooped low enough to melting cheese on saltines. Now I do consider this a real problem, and if I don't stop soon, I'm probably going to have some serious health problems in the future. I should prob just stop buying cheese.

I bet people would take some time out of their day to watch the T.V. show "Intervention" and see all our friends sitting around our living room, telling me how my cheese problem is ruining their lives.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Good Karma, Bad Karma

I'm a total believer in karma and "pay it forward" and all that jazz. When something not so fun happens to a not so nice person, my favorite phrase is "Karma's a bitch." Unfortunately, sometimes I feel as if my good deeds don't always seem to end in good karma.

Recent Good and Bad Karma-

Things that could result in good karma

  • The man at the Target register gave me $10 too much change, and I returned the change later in the day after I noticed
  • I picked up an extra shift after my shift for a kid that got his car stuck in a car wash (true story)
  • Training for a 5k to benefit the Make-A-Wish foundation

Things that make me look like I deserve bad karma
  • I get rear-ended on my way home from the grocery store the other day, which happened to be the same day I picked up that extra shifts
  • I got a speeding ticket on the road that I purposely don't speed on because I know that there are often speed traps, yet I was jamming out to Miley Cyrus and didn't realize how fast I was going
  • I have yet to find an adventurous life companion (I'll explain more later) and still end up dealing with the same immature guys
Oh, Good Karma. You're welcome to come around whenever you want. The sooner the better!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Road Rage-tastic

I would consider Road Rage a spectrum disorder, putting myself on the fairly normal side of the scale. I don't have that kind of rage where I'm going to try to force you off the road for cutting me off, or even flip you off if go before me when its my turn a 4 way stop sign. What I will do is have a conversation with you that you will never hear because I'm just giving it to myself in my car.

For example...

Situation: 4 way stop sign, I got there first, but you go out of turn anyways
My Reaction: "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?!"

Situation: You are in front of me at a turn only lane light. You don't go when the light turns green, so by the time I reach the front, the light is red again.

Situation: You unnecessarily cut me off, when you could have waited 2 mins to merge in behind me.
Reaction: "REALLY?!?! ... REALLY?!?!... COOL!!!!"

I think after reading this, you'll think twice before being an inconsiderate driver around me ;)

Monday, January 18, 2010

Crazy Cat Lady in the Making

One thing I've come across lately is guys in their 20s who "really like you, but don't want a relationship." There is one little man in my life who isn't afraid of a commitment, loves to snuggle, and watches all my favorite tv shows with me...

Meet Knightro, my roommate's cat, named after our school mascot. We trained him well as a kitten by constantly coddling him and talking in constant baby voices. He's extremely easy going, hardly bites or scratches, and besides his annoying obsession with knocking over cups, is probably the best cat anyone could ask for. He's set me on the fast track to Crazy Cat Lady-ism.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

New Year, New Blog Aproach

Life has been crazy since my last blog post during the summer. Its now 2010 and my New Year's Resolution is to be more carefree, and honestly, I've been horrible at it so far. I finally feel ready to start, though and I figured blogging about it will help keep me on track.

I basically plan to write about what its like being a 21 (almost 22 :/ ) year old, single girl trying to have the most fun she can during her last semester as a sorority girl, without letting the little stuff get her down.