This past week has been crazy with moving into my new place and working a ton this week. With all this moving and literally moving away from the past, I feel as if its help me realize some things.
One of the things I've learned is that I can be extremely self sufficient. I used to rely on Will a lot, whether it be to carry something heavy or to drive us somewhere because I hated driving. Besides some help from friends and family, I did most of my moving myself. I moved my own, very heavy tv, that I would have never moved myself at the beginning of the summer.
I've also become ok with being alone. I can enjoy time to myself with a book or movie.
I've also realized that I'm ok with not being with him. If he were to come back and decide that he made a huge mistake and knew that he was really in love with me, then I'm ok with giving him a second chance, but if he is unsure or wants to kind of “half-ass” it, that's not what I want, so I don't want him. I deserve someone that is crazy about me every day, not for just the “honeymoon” period. I love being in a relationship and I love having a companion through life, but I've decided that I'm ok with traveling alone for a while, to wait for something that is right and what I truly want, whether it be Will or someone else.
Easy to say now. Talk to me in 2 weeks when I have to deal with this face to face. But I'm strong and have to trust myself that I will make the right choice.
-Kate Nash